Friday, April 5, 2013

Two Practices at Glengarry Dome

Two of the Saturday practices will now take place at the Glengarry Dome: April 20/13 & April 27/13, see the practice schedule for times and a map.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More information on LTPD program

The Ontario Soccer Association Presdient; Ron Smale has issued a letter concerning the LTPD program and some recent complaints heard in the media about the concept, I would urge everyone to take the time to read this, see the following LINK

Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 Season Start

As you all know we have begun training indoors on Thursdays at Mother Teresa, we have this gym time until April and will continue using it as a "game night" even as we progress into the indoor training and evaluation process. I belive the girls need some fun time where they just play the game, not to say we won't try to make training fun but there will be some technical drills on the upcoming weekend sessions that I do know are not their most favorite things to do. That being said, we expect to begin the indoor weekend sessions after March break, once I receive confirmation on dates they will be posted.

As in year's past I will be using our team website to post information with regards to schedules, practice times, cancellations, etc... please bookmark this site and check here for updates, I promise to be diligent and keep it up to date.

Coach Dave.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Information on LTPD program

You may begin to hear the accronym LTPD, this stands for "Long Term Player Development" this is an intiative and program that has been developed by Sport Canada and has been adopted by the Ontario Soccer Association and directly applies to our team. For more information on the program please see the following links;
Link: LTPD Information
Link: LTPD (FAQ)